
Hyanggyo Confucian School

Hyanggyo Confucian School
  • Address 89-3 to be the Jeonbuk special self-governing province Gimje CITY Confucian temple and school to teach local students in the Joseon Dynasty period long
  • Service hours Open year round
  • Fare No charge
  • Homepage http://www.gimje.go.kr
  • Phone number 063-547-6477

Introduction of tourist site

Confucian temple and school to teach local students in the Joseon Dynasty period are the local educational facilities located in the Gimje CITY crafty boy 39 house number. There is with local government office of a governer in the place which doesn't fall so far. If the besides three farthings,that is the red gate with spiked top and gate, is passed and 50m Jjeum is in walked, the Myeongryundang,that is the space of education of the student teachers, comes out. In this place, the kind 9 consultation education dispatched from the control taught the Confucian scriptures to the student teachers. 50 people and age of admission of the student teacher are that circle of Confucian temple and school to teach local students in the Joseon Dynasty period learning the Confucian scriptures altogether with my husband self-control and self-control,that is the amount, from the age of 16. In the Myeongryundang right and left, there is the room in which the larvae study the dormitory so far together and it lives.

As to library, the self-control of my husband gauging the village has the place where the self-control of two people stays. If Myeongryundang is passed and my three farthings is again passed, the great church which takes the mortuary tablet of 18 strings including Confucius and which it aligns comes out. The Gimje Confucian temple and school to teach local students in the Joseon Dynasty period great church are the local tangible cultural properties ninth number. The great church established in Tae-Jong 4 Years but was lost by the fires of war of the Jeongyu War (Japanese second invasion of Korea in 1592). Thereafter, until it stood again in 13 and reached to the today, about several times was repaired. In case of flatland, the front side of building arrangement of Confucian School is orientation space, and the back side is 前廟後學 which is education space. In case of hill land, it is called 前學後廟. Gimjehyanggyo Confucian School is Jeonhakhumyo form which is the latter.