

  • "Saemangeum" is a portmanteau of "Mangyeongpyeongya Plain" and "Gimjepyeongya Plain," and just like that, Saemangeum and Gimje are inseparable.
  • As Saemangeum Embankment II is included in the jurisdiction of Gimje, the status of Gimje has been elevated to a hub city, as well as the home of Saemangeum.

Implementation Status

  • 『Gimje, the hub city of Saemangeum』 registered at the Korea Intellectual Property Office on Jan. 28, 2016.
새만금 중심도시 김제

(Business Emblem Registration No. 42-0006181 in the Korea Intellectual Property Office).

Implementation Overview

  • Implementation Period: Jan. 2015-Feb. 2016
  • Application: 116 designated goods for trademark registration (including municipal administration plan)
    ※ Ordinance of Gimje on Installation of Administrative Organization (Ordinance No. 996, Dec. 11, 2015). Applicable to all relevant businesses (Business Emblem Registration No. 42-0006181 in Korea Intellectual Property Office)

Image of『Gimje, the hub city of Saemangeum』

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